Tuesday, September 16, 2008

playing catch up

I really hate it when I don't get a good start to my day, I feel like I'm running to catch up all day long.

Last night Michael, a young lady that is staying with us, and I watched the movie Troy. Actually they watched and I listened to it while playing a game on the computer. I wanted to watch the movie but I did not want to 'see' the movie, if you know what I mean. It was very good, the story at least. I was torn though because after all of our study of Ancient Greece and playing of the game Age of Mythology I felt I ought to be cheering for the Greeks but I felt torn, the movie portrayed the Trojans with a warmth and personable nature that it made it hard to choose, of course Orlando Bloom was a Trojan and that puts them at an advantage before the movie even started. I cannot make a recommendation because I did not watch it, I do kind of wish I could edit out the messy stuff so Wallace could enjoy it.

The movie didn't end till just after 11pm and that is a late bed time for me. I have been trying to get up and get my day started at 6am and I find it near impossible to get up that early if I get to bed any later than 10pm. This morning I got up with the boys and so have been playing catch up all day. We were supposed to go to the library today but that will just have to wait till tomorrow. My shower did not happen until much later, only to be interrupter by a telemarketer. A telemarketer that had been asked to call back sometime during the work week and after 1:30pm. I had been considering the service they are selling but now I am not sure, if they would not honour my request to call me back during the specified time I am not sure I need their service. If I really wanted it probably would not have made a difference but the incessant calls really bug me, especially when I am trying to teach school. I had also volunteered to take dinner to a family in our church, the mom just had her gallbladder our and the dad is a fisherman who is out to sea right now, so although it was a joy to do this my disorganization made it tough to get accomplished in a timely manner. Now I am preparing to go out for a leaders of Olympians meeting at our church and I still feel behind. At least tomorrow is a clean slate, as long as I get to bed on time. I must get to bed on time.

Friday, September 12, 2008

This week at the (our last name) Acedmy of Leaning

We have just finished off our first week of school this year and since I am a hyper scheduler/perfectionist I have it all outlined (so that when it falls apart we can tell exactly how much it fell apart by) and can tell you that we have completed 5 days and have 173 left to go, or 1 week down and 35 left to go.

This year John has been added to the mix and it is very interesting. Planning for him was a bit more of a challenge because I had no concrete idea of what he understood or how fast he would progress. I can already tell you that I have over estimated his attention span so we are lighting up on that expectation.

Wallace was quite reluctant to head back to studies at all, he enjoyed his freedom a lot and I have to admit that the style of school last year wasn't that enjoyable for either of us. I think my expectation of note taking was a bit beyond him. I think it diminished his retention rather than enhancing it. This year I have several new programmes and am trying to implement the 'extra' despite the added work and mess for me. If he enjoys what he is learning and is participating fully I probably won't notice the extra work, although the shelves and walls may become littered with these projects and to a minimalist like me that could be more of the challenge.

This is what we are doing in school this year.
John's schedule.
9:10 Piano (first year for this and is very excited)
9:20 Math
9:30 BREAK (he really likes these but wishes his brother could join him)
9:55 Printing
10:05 Phonics (this we will grow into, his isn't focusing this long yet)
10:15 BREAK
10:35 Art (as above)
10:45 Read-a-loud (with Wallace)
11:05 Lunch
12:00 Subject of the day (with Wallace, found is a bit much so he usually goes off and plays but likes to help with the crafts and experiments)

Wallace's Schedule. 8:00 Piano (found this is the best spot, has the most focus and energy)
8:30 Math
9:30 BREAK
9:45 Spelling
9:55 Cursive
10:05 Language Arts
10:25 Silent Reading (his choice of book and almost like break)
10:45 Read-a-loud
11:05 LUNCH
12:00 Subject of the day
1:15 Homework (only left over math or because of dawdling in Lang. Arts.)

What John will be using for curriculum this year? Let's just say the boy loves work sheets, not sure why but if I had to guess I would say it is because he has seen his brother doing work and he thinks that worksheets equals work. I bought quite a lot of stuff for him to use not really sure when he'd be ready for it if at all but thought I'd be ready.
1) math and reading readiness-4 work books that we are working through now.
2) Phonics-Explode the Code books 1 and 2 (he's already done the get ready for the code)
3) Printing-ABeka manuscript (their material, my pace)
4) Art-left over ABeka (when used up, I'll search the Internet)
5) Math-Singapore 1A/1B

What will Wallace be using for curriculum this year?
1) Royal Conservatory Music Grade 2- will be taking the exam in June.
2) Saxon Math 6/5- did well last year and can already tell it is a good fit again (Thank goodness)
3)ABeka Spelling and Poetry 3 (their materials, my pace and style ie. no weekly written tests)
4)ABeka Penmanship Mastery (their materials, my pace)
5)ABeka God's Gift of Language A/B - have to finish A first (their materials, my pace)
6)Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures
7) The Story of the World- Volume 1: Ancient Times
8) A Child's Geography-Explore His Earth

We will be having a 3 day cycle, spending one day each on Science, History and Geography, that way we won't be short changed on one subject if we happen to miss a lot of one day, like a Monday or Friday. Every Day 1 will be science, day 2 History and Day 3 Geography.

So this is what our school plan is for this year.