Sunday, October 12, 2008

My week in review

Week's Weather: Cool and bright for the most part, leaves are beautiful

Sunday Sermon: Being Thankful- a testimony service

Life Lessons: there is no sense in worry, it doesn't help

Favorite Meal: lunch at the Schweld House (a local family owned German restaurant)

Treasured Moment: watching John working neatly at his newly acquired desk (I'll have to post a picture, my batteries were dead when I tried the other day)

Budget Saver: found a beautiful flannel bedding set at the thrift store for under $10

Budget Buster: lunch at the Schweld House

Impacting News : friends announced they are coming to visit

Things I read: stuff for homeschool

Places we went: the apple orchard

Accomplishments: finished a pair of socks

Family Happenings: friends announced they are coming visit.

Challenges: getting bed by 10pm and get up by 6am

Blessings: friends announced they are coming to visit

Can you tell I'm excited about my friends coming to visit.

Field Trip- the apple orchard

On Monday we took a field trip, where else would you go in early October but to the apple orchard. I remember Wallace took a field trip to the orchard when he was in Kindergarten. I didn't get to go because all the chaperon spots were full, well for John's first trip I did get to go ;). We go to the same farm each year, they have very good apples and quite a bit of variety. They even have honeycrip which are Michael's favourite.
Here Wallace and John are in the orchard, these are little Gala trees, which appeared to be done for the season which is too bad because Wallace really likes them. By the way did I forgot to mention that Wallace's favourite food is an apple so needless to say he was in his glory. We usually have to limit him to an apple or two a day and for the past month I've been refusing to buy them because they were just gross, all dry and pulpy. For the next little while he'll be allowed to have more if he so desires.....along as his tummy can handle it.

Daddy and John picking Cortland's out of the bin, we picked 40lbs off the trees but when we got back to the entrance we realized that we need some more we were lucky that they already had some picked that we could choose from. I like Cortland's because they are yummy to eat and good to cook with too. MMMM apple crisp here we come.

We had a great time as a family, its amazing how a little trip to the orchard can consume a whole day. This orchard also had pumpkins and honey, we bought 2 pumpkins and 35lbs of honey. A successful field trip.