Tuesday, September 8, 2009

We are still running....

Michael and I are still running around, well more Michael than I. It seems that it will never be done, but we know that this too shall pass. This morning we had to drive to the next town and sigh the documents at the lawyers which interrupted my day but it really interrupted Michael's day. He is trying really hard to get all the lose ends tied up at work and it doesn't help that he has court cases both this morning and tomorrow morning. Oh, yeah, I just found out that he will be back here for a court case on the day that the new house closes....oy!

Who would have thought....I knew that there would be a lot to do when you sell but I never thought we would be running around like chickens with our heads cut off. Michael and I generally pride ourselves on being organized and this process has thrown every curve ball imaginable at us, we been put in our place, it has been a humbling experience.

The boys and I are trying to get school done, thank goodness for lists and school planners, we will try our best but there is no promises.....well off to the library, we still need good books to keep our minds busy.

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