Friday, July 11, 2008

My week in review

I came across this and thought if I did it each week you'd know a little more that is going on in my life.

Week's weather: Hot and muggy during the day and then cooling off in the evening
Sunday Sermon topic: Our pastor is doing a series on Marriage, it is wonderful.
Favorite Meal this week: Beer can chicken (we now use pop and it turned out just as good), roasted vegs and boiled potatoes cooled and dresses with a buttermilk dill dressing.
Things I read: A very hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (John's fav right now)
Place we went: Shakespeare by the Sea to see Cinderelly-A western
Budget Savers: Doubling up on trip/errands
Budget Busters: New Tires for the car
Blessings: A friend got the tires for us at a really good price and then put them on for free after the shop he works in closed for the day, saved us several hundred dollars
Challenges/prayer requests: Stressing over VBS next Monday-Wednesday
Accomplishments: Did a couple of errands for Michael that were out of my comfort zone.
Family Happenings: Getting ready and making plans for our trip home for my sister's wedding Aug. 23

1 comment:

  1. Tell John that he has good taste in's my favorite too!
