Monday, November 2, 2009


Today I felt as if I was spinning my wheels. I had set out to get things accomplished and at every turn my efforts were thwarted. I need to learn to work around interruptions and the chores of a normal day. I also need to remember that every little bit helps like the sayings go; Rome wasn't built in a day or How do you eat an bite at a time. So what was on my list of things to do for today was.....

1. clean the powder room
2. change the bedding on all the bed and put the heated mattress pad on our bed
3. unpack our room
4. unpack Wallace's room
5. unpack John's room
6. unpack the family room

What actually got done to completion?

1. clean the powder room
2. change the bedding and put the heated mattress pad on
and I also did 2 other loads of laundry and some school with Wallace.

Michael on the other had...he had the day done.

1. put up the new closet system in our closet. (it looks great and is far more functional than the decrepit (non repairable, he tried) one that was there.
2. did errands...butcher, mouse poison pellets, furnace filter
3. started organizing the garage.

My dad even came over and raked the back yard and the side looks great.

Wallace, did a little school, he is still not feeling well. He is on day 5 of what looks like H1N1, so he is on the recovery mode.

John, did nothing but whine and mope. He is on day 3 of the same. We get his fever down just to have it go back up when the medicine wears off. Poor little guy, he wanted to to a lot of snuggling.

I did use the oven for the first time since we moved in....did Crusty Mexican Bean Bake out of the More with Less cookbook. It was quick and tasty. I am still adjusting to my new kitchen so it probably took me longer than it should have. Mom came over to pick up Dad on her way home from work so they stayed for supper. Then I had a chiropractor appointment. All in all a busy day....I just didn't seem to get the things done that I wanted.

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