Today we joined Costco, we had been members years ago but when we moved to rural Canada no where near a Costco we let our membership run out. Now we are back in suburbia so we thought we'd join again.
It sure was crowded today, I heard somebody say that it was because it was the last weekend of summer. Hubby had his blackberry out making notes of the prices of all the products that we use frequently so that we could compare them to the grocery store to make sure we knew which things to buy there and which not to. We already know that our photocopier toner cartridge was about 1/2 price. Hubby was also looking at t.v.'s since our 17 year old one seems to be going, the picture isn't consistent.
Then we went to a bulk store so that I could pick up some citric acid so that I could attempt to make automatic dish washing detergent. This is the recipe that I am going to use:
1 cup Borax
1 cup baking soda
1/4 cup salt
1/4 cup citric acid
I'll let you know how it goes.
We had homemade soup for supper, a hamburger vegetable soup with southwest flavours, with homemade biscuits. Very yummy. Now the boys are watching a movie and I'm going to knit the sweater I am working on for Wallace. I think it will be warm for this coming winter.