Wednesday, April 22, 2009

a rainy Wednesday

A cup of green tea, a break from school and a rainy Wednesday morning is the perfect time to update my blog. There is a lot going on and a the same time not much at all, kind of a weird feeling. We are very busy trying to get all the little jobs done to get the house on the market, the real estate agent said she could show it any time but we'd (mostly me) would like to have things in a neat orderly state....I just think better when that happens.

On Monday, Michael spent the whole day cleaning out the garage....I should have taken before and after pictures but I forgot. It really does look much better, this morning was a 'big' garbage day so we were able to put out all the unwanted things that we can't normally put out. We still have a few things that have to go to the envirodepot, left over paint, a broken VCR etc. They won't take that stuff with the normal garbage so we have to take it ourselves. There is also a slew of cardboard to be broken down and bundled. I don't know why we let it get out of hand but now it looks better and I can breathe a little easier. Next is the basement, which for some reason is always hard to manage. As Michael says 'How do you eat an elephant? One mouthful at a time.' Wallace doesn't really get that but I am sure he will as he faces challenges in life.

Yesterday Wallace played the piano in the Lunenburg Music Festival. He played Andante in G major, which is also one of his pieces for his Grade 1 Conservatory Exam in June so it was good practice. I don't think he was that nervous but it was good to have him hear others play it too, that way he gets to understand what his teacher means when she is instructing him. He tied for 3rd place. He was pleased, so was I.

The boys are back into swimming lessons, this time they are on Sunday afternoons which means for the first time in about 2 years Michael is able to come with us. Wallace is in level 7 and is doing very well, he appears to be the strongest swimmer in his class and the most willing. Michael was impressed with how much he has improved. When we move we will have to have him tested to be placed because he has done all his swimming in a pool that is only 5 ft deep and he can touch if he needs too. I am sure the next pool will be both deeper and bigger and I think that might a mental hurdle, I could be wrong....been wrong before will be wrong again.

We finally figured out how to get John into the pool and enjoy it.....are you ready for this.....goggles. Michael suggested it. He was so right. Wallace's teacher who is a good friend gave John a pair, we brought them home, practiced in the tub and when we went back on Sunday it made all the difference in the world. He put his head under the water, and didn't seem to care when the other children were splashing. Water in his face has been such a hang up for so long I can hardly believe that something so simple could make such a difference. He isn't able to do all the other things that are expected but I think that will come, now that he can relax and not worry about the water in his eyes. Micheal said that John grinned the whole time he was in the pool, he was so proud of himself.

Well that is the update for now, we have to get back to spelling and the rest of school. Anyone know of a good writing program for someone in grade six, we want to start writing papers, stories and essays. It has to be basic and have a strong teacher component because this is not this teachers strong suit.


  1. Hello. Just thought I'd say a quick hello while on my way to search for printable math drill sheets. While searching, your blog came up and I'm always excited to see someone in Canada (you appear to be close to me) that loves the Lord and is blogging.
    I'll be back to see more of your space here on the web later.
    Have a great day! :)

  2. Hello...I found your blog after you commented on my sister's blog at watchthesky....

    Have we connected before? Something seems familiar...but maybe I'm wrong!

  3. My hubby just reminded me that we may have made a connection before...his parents may have met you at Faith Baptist?! :) My hubby is a Mountie in Saskatchewan.
