Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wallace is writing a short paper for English today about a tour that he has taken.  He choose to write about Worcester Cathedral which is on of the cathedral that he sang in and we toured this summer in England.  This is a wonderful place but  almost has too much information to be put into a one page paper. It has an amazing and rich history.    From this tour alone we could study  many different topics. Here are just a few that I can think of quickly: architecture, the picture above is of the crypt and that center pillar is one of two holding up the entire building, John Lackland and the Magna Carta, he is buried in this cathedral, the pilgrimage of the Camino de Santiago because they found a pair of 600 year old boots from a Pilgrim buried in one of the walls, the English Civil War as the cathedral was greatly damaged during this time, and lastly the making of stain glass because the have several window with unusual colours and symbols. I always find it interesting how one thing can spring board on to another.

Wallace is really struggling this year to learn to write a cohesive piece of writing.  It is one of the primary goal I have for him this year to prepare him to go off to high school next year.  I know that I would not have been as good as he is at his age. I have a small degree of knowledge that I have obtained that over a long period of time and I am having trouble imparting my limited wisdom to him.  I have yet to find a really good course of study that sets it out in a ordered form.  Do step one, then step two etc, that is what us science/math types like.  I figure the best way to go is just slowly plod along and working on it over and over again.  I am sure we will both get better at it over time, if we don't kill each other first.  This is a good place for me to practice being calm when facing great frustration.

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