Saturday, December 29, 2007

Let it snow!

It has been a very slow starting Saturday morning. I slept in which is so nice. Wallace is old enough to get John a bowl of raisins and Cheerios and they watch TV. Saturday is their TV day, most of the rest of the week they don't watch any. We don't have cable and we don't pull in many stations so there is really only one appropriate station for them which is PBS out of Boston. We don't get CBC out of the city but we can pull in a station all the way from Boston.

I got up and puttered. I put slow cooked ribs in the oven. Michael doesn't usually like ribs, too much work for too little meat, but he saw them in the grocery store on a big sale so he suggested it. I jumped at the chance because I love ribs but there isn't much sense in cooking something that Michael isn't fond of or it just sits around. I learned that lesson the hard way a couple of winters ago when I was on a chili kick. We are going to have ribs, mashed potatoes and oriental coleslaw for supper. Which we will eat before Michael heads out to work, he needs a good meal before heading out into the snow.

edit: The meal was a great success, whew! He said it could even be done again.

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