Friday, January 11, 2008

Frugal Fridays

Biblical Womanhood's Frugal Friday this week is about 5 things that you can do to save $100 in a years. Here are my 5:

1. Accept hand-me-downs from dear friends whose little boy is just a little bigger than mine.

2. Recycle yarn- unravel beautiful yarn from really ugly or out of style sweater and transform it into something beautiful. This alone has saved me $100.

3. Packing Michael's lunch ($5-8 dollars/day 5-6days/week) this can really add up.

4. Shopping from sales fliers and loss leaders menu planning accordingly.

5. Borrowing our movies from the library for free instead of renting them for our Friday night movie nights. We also have popcorn popped on the stove top instead of microwave.

Well, I think I saved $100 dollars this year.


  1. Okay, I do the yarn thing too, I just haven't made anything with it yet. I don't know if I can say it saves me money! I like to knit, but I am not good enough to make what I want, usually too picky to make whatever (pattern) is available, and I do have to be careful with my hands. I did almost finish a beautiful sweater once, that turned out too big.

    I even have some koolaid-dyed cashmere that I have to do something with! My problem always seems to be my gauge, and the fact that I do things in spurts, and haven't fed my knitting spurt in awhile. I do need a sweater... Maybe it's time to try again!

  2. I just wanted to let you know I answered your question about the internet phone on my blog.
