Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Okay Okay I'm back

I know it has been a while since I posted much, life has been busy and well with only one computer and all four of us vieing for it I don't get it as often as I like.

Last Friday the boys got their hair cut. Since it was cold Wallace and John just got a nice trim, but Michael got a buzz. It sometimes erks me that he stubbornly refused to get it cut for our wedding and got married with 'hockey' hair. (Insert rolling eyes here.) Now he won't even let it get to be an inch long. Yes, I like it but why do all my wedding pictures have to be hidden now because he is embarrassed by it. I think the boys look cute, I snapped this one just before Michael went out to work on a very cold night.

Michael is really enjoying his new unit. It is an integrated unit, the mounties and two local police forces, and they are targeting drunk drivers. They have been quite successful so far, I am actually kind of surprised just how many people think that either it is okay to behave in this manner or that they just won't get caught.

Homeschooling is going well this week. I really had to get my act in gear. I suffer form the winter blues and always find January and sometimes February very difficult. I am determined to not let it continue, so this week we have been getting back on our routine, which means I have to take the lead and get out of bed in the morning, but it so nice and warm in there under the covers, it is not an easy task.

Wallace is enjoying his math, even if he doesn't know it. I can't believe what he is learning. I don't remember learning all this stuff in Grade 4. I am starting Kindergarten math with John. His attention span is so short though I have to move quickly or I lose him. He is loving the work books form Explode the Code series. The pictures are great, the activities fun and they are really helping with his fine motor skills which if he lacks in any area it is this one.

Well I am sure the water for the pasta is boiling so I better go get supper on the table. Spaghetti with meat sauce one of my childhood favourites. We just use whole wheat noodle and it is usually penne not spaghetti.

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