Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cleaning out and organizing and a walk down memory lane

It seems that although we have the next month off it is going to be a busy one for us. Next week we have our churches VBS, the week following we have Family Camp, then Michael is going to PEI for a golf weekend with the boys from work, then we have overnight company from Quebec. We are looking forward to all of it. I also have many tasks that are too big to do during the school year that need to get done, so on the days when nothing else is going on these tasks will be put on the list of things to do.

Last week I managed to get all of John's clothes gone through, put all the too small stuff in a bag, it actually end up being a garbage bag and a half, for our pastor's son. He is just a year behind him in size and the season match pretty well and since he is the only boys with 3 sister he is in general need of clothing. Most of it to be honest are just play clothes by the time they get to him but he loves them especially any of the ones with Spiderman, Batman or other super heroes. Then I pulled out the next season of clothes, which come from Wallace and his friend 'new Jacob'. It is always a fun time to see what treasures are hidden in those bins, John always finds one or two things that are his new favourites. You know the things that barely make it back into the dresser before they are worn again. I am so grateful for hand me downs it save money, the environment and my sanity. (If you have ever tried shopping with a 5 year old, you'll know what I mean.)

Yesterday, Micheal cleaned out the cubby under the stairs, it was a job that has been needing to be done for....years (if I am honest) and it finally got done yesterday. The thing that made it such a chore was that is was the storage place for all of our photos. I have no idea how many but there is a lot. We separated them into years for the past 13 years that we have been together and then another section for what Michael called 'pre-me'. Now that they are divided into sections I can take a year out at a time and further organize them. It sure was a walk down memory lane. We looked at ones of the boys when they were babies and sat and thought "Where has the time gone?". We looked at ones of friends and relative who are no longer with us and thought "Am I ever glad I have these.", as the memories came flooding back.

Last night I was talking to my mom and I was telling about what we had done, which brought us to reminiscing about the stories we've heard and we discussed the need to write them down so that they can be passed on to the next generation. Maybe we can write them down and pass them around the family so that others can add details that they remember from the stories. It looks like I may have just created a project for myself. I think it would be wonderful to pass on their family Legacy to my boys.

I'll leave you with a photograph that we came across yesterday. We know when and where this photo was taken, we aren't sure by who or what the joke was but it sure looks like Micheal (in the chair), my sister, my brother-in-law and myself think it is really funny.

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