Tuesday, March 18, 2008

John's bed time routine.

John likes me to put him to bed. We have a special routine and it is just the right ending to his day or at least that is what he insists. That doesn't mean that Michael doesn't put him to bed but only that he prefers me. The other night Michael was doing the deed, they had been rough housing and I thought it only fair that he try and settle him down. Michael got him into his PJs and teeth brushed and the rest of the routine, had him tucked into bed when I heard a ruckus. A few minutes later Michael called me up to finish the tucking in routine, a song and a quick snuggle. (Let it be said that Michael is by far the better singer than I so I am completely baffled by the insistence on me.) When I got to him I kneeled down by his bed and wiped away the tears. John looked up and me and said, "I whined and I got you." A smiled spread across his face and he settled right down. The little turkey.

1 comment:

  1. My boy is the same way! He much prefers mom to tuck him in...not that I do anything special or probably anything different than my dh does. It must just be a security issue left over from babyhood :)
