Monday, March 31, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Here is my menu plan for the upcoming week. One meal is left over form last week, we had a night of leftovers pushing all meals forward one night. I think there will be plenty of leftover and if they aren't all used up during our lunches I may not use all these meals this week. If you'd like to see what others have on their menu this week have a look here.

Monday- lasagna (cheese- no meat), garlic bread, and salad

Tuesday-Ham casserole with pasta and oriental coleslaw

Wednesday-lentil patties, roasted potatoes, and roasted sweet potatoes

Thursday-Bubbly Haddock bake, rice pilaf, and frozen veg

Friday- Ham and Pea soup, salad, and fresh whole wheat bread

Saturday-hearty vegetable spaghetti sauce, pasta, and salad

Sunday-(pot luck) homemade mac and cheese and black forest trifle

1 comment:

  1. Your menu sounds great! Would love to see your recipe for the bubbly haddock bake :)

