Thursday, March 27, 2008

Who would have thunk?

......that a computer game could have inspired a desire to learn all about history. I knew it could happen, I'd heard all the interesting stories of how homeschooled kids take an interest and run with it but this is my first hands on experience. The game in question Age of Mythology. Wallace has taken every book on Greek, Roman and Norse Mythology out of the library along with a bunch on Roman History. The book he really likes is Magnifications -A Roman Fort by Stephen Johnson. This is a picture of his paper Auxilary Roman soldier, I made the the body out of the back of the Easter Bunny box and he did the rest, he followed the detailed picture in the book. I've said before we aren't very creative around here (something about me and messes but that is a different blog entry) but this turned out incredibly well, he still wants to make a paper Legionary soldier and now there is talk of make a model of a fort. I thought we were studying Canadian history, I guess we have interupted our regular programming for a special interest program. Hey, that is the beauty of homeschooling. BTW-Thanks are you due to my sisters fiance be was the one who gifted us with the game in the first place.

1 comment:

  1. Another great game on a similar historical vein is Zeus - Master of Olympus. I'm quite sure both it and AoM spurred my daughter's love of all things Greek.
