Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday's Update

This morning John had an ENT appointment in the city, and they gave us the thumbs up. He had another hearing test and his results were wonderful. Now we know that if he isn't listening it isn't because he can't hear us.

Michael has been away again, I am slowly getting used to it. I don't think it will change much now, this unit seems to do a lot of traveling. I do seem to let things slide when he is away and don't cook. I'm not sure why as Wallace will eat almost anything and just as much as Michael does. I told him when he got home the other night that I cook just from him, and that when he isn't here you'd be shock at what we consider meals.

Wallace and I had some trouble with school today. We normally do all of our school in the morning, getting it mostly done by lunch, sometimes we have one or two thing to do after lunch. Today with John's appointment in the city we were out of the house by quarter after 8 so we obviously didn't get anything done. When we got home I wanted to start right into school and Wallace became totally overwhelmed, tears and the whole bit. It was a departure from our routine and he couldn't handle it. I had tried to prepare him that this is what we were going to do but either my preparation didn't work or he didn't think I was serious. We had to stop because he wasn't learning anything, it was as if old concepts were brand new. (Very frustrating for me, but I did keep my cool.) I had to discipline him because I felt that getting me to stop was his motivation, whether conscience or not. I sent him to his room to spend time by himself, I allowed books and his Lego to be played with, but he had to stay for the time that we would have been learning, he didn't like that as he is a very social person. His dad took away soccer for tonight, I wouldn't have but Michael said so. He also doesn't get computer or tv, not really as a punishment because he is not usually allowed these until his school work is complete and well it didn't get completed today. My question is this, how do I get him to 'roll with it' when our day doesn't go exactly as the routine says it should. I love routine but I can't always give him a day off when our routine get messed up.

While we were in the city we went to Pete's Frootique, I love that store, so many fresh veggies and fruit. Wallace said he was in fruit heaven. We bought lots of veggies and fruit and a couple of cheeses. We had a healthy lunch and it was cheaper than the golden arches would have been.

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