Thursday, March 13, 2008

oooh my aching back!

Good afternoon,
I had fitful night sleep last night. Yesterday my back was twinging every time I reached or bent down to get something, and it just got worse while I was sleeping. I tried very hard not to sleep on my stomach which is a habit of mine, but every time I rolled over it was with great effort and pain. This morning when I woke up I was moving very slowly and with considerable pain, thankfully I have a Chiropractor appointment in the morning. He doesn't like me to take anything for the pain as he doesn't want it masked and then I may damage it more if I don't feel it.

Michael took me grocery shopping this morning because he is working this evening, we usually go in the afternoon but I didn't think that I could do it all by myself, although I must admit that Wallace is becoming quite the helper. I was going to say little but I don't think he would appreciate that description. I seem to do better at staying under budget when Michael isn't with me, he is worse then the kids when it comes to asking for treats, and I don't feel I can say no to him as firmly as I do the boys.

This afternoon we are doing our morning school and Wallace has a much better attitude then on Monday, for which I am grateful. I had to cancel his piano lesson for this afternoon as I couldn't take both boys by myself and get in and out of the car and up and down the steps. I hate when my back does this as I feel as though I am 90 years. I doesn't help much either when Michael calls me old women as he helps me in and out of the car. The boys are about to head outside to play, it is lovely and sunny but quite cold....I so want spring to come.

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