Friday, February 8, 2008

this moment in time

Good evening all
Michael just left for work, he will be gone until Sunday morning. This new unit that he is on is a roving unit so they are doing a lot of traveling, although this is the first that he will be gone over night. The change in Michael is amazing, quite a few different people have commented on how much happier he seems to be. Its funny, the income is lower, due to no overtime but that stress doesn't seem to compare to the other stress that he was under before the unit change.

The boys are watching TV, PBS, one of 3 stations we get, right now and in a little while I will put in the movie for movie night, Tarzan II. We were going to watch The Fantastic Four, but Michael wanted to watch it too so we will wait for him.

Life has been busy, although I hadn't left the house since Sunday due to weather mostly. Our Tuesday night programme at church was canceled which I don't mind because I hate driving in the bad weather. Yesterday was errand day and Walter told me that there was no snow in the forecast until Sunday, wrong!! we came out of swimming lessons to falling snow and very slick roads, I was not impressed to say the least.

This morning Wallace had a dentist appointment. He actually had to get a tooth pulled. I was a baby tooth, he has an appliance that is attempting to push an adult tooth into its proper place. It had been hanging out about 1/2 inch behind his bite, we had been trying to gently move it by this baby tooth to no avail thus the pulling of it today. He is doing fine now but was rather pale for a couple of hours afterward.

School is going fairly well although some days are smoother than others. I have added John to the mix as of January. He loves to 'do school' so that he can be just like his brother. I know that this might sound weird but he loves to do work sheets. We are doing the introductory books to the Explode the Code series and he is already into his second book. Math well I just don't think that he is as ready for that as he is to learn to read so we are only doing a little bit.

With the addition of John, I've had to really concentrate on developing a new routine for my housework. It has been tough but I am seeing the fruit of my labour, I love a tidy house and this new routine is working for us.

Take care!

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